Oral Presentations

  • Mahmood S, Watanabe A, Sohail MA, Flavell R, Wajahat M: Acetaminophen hepatoxicity is dependent on TLR9 and can be reduced by TLR9 antagonist; Oral Presentation at Digestive Diseases Week Meeting: San Diego, CA, May 2008.
  • Imaeda AB, Sutterwala F, Watanabe A, Mahmood S, Sohail MA, Flavell R,  Mehal W: Aspirin blocks acetaminophen induced hepatotoxicity and mortality in mice dependent on the asc/caspase-1 inflammasome; Oral Presentation at Digestive Diseases Week Meeting: San Diego, CA 5/2008.
  • Kandavelou K, Chandrasegaran S and Civin C. (2008, June). Targeted Disruption of CCR5 gene in Human Cells using custom designed Zinc finger nucleases. Oral Presentation presented at: 2008 Frontiers in Human Embryonic Stem Cells: Advanced TrainingCourse, Participants Symposium, Marine Biological Laboratory, Woods Hole, MA (2008). 
  • L.S. Lim, H.A. Fink, M.A. Kuskowski, J. Schousboe, K.E. Ensrud. Loop diuretic use is associated with increased rates of hip bone loss in older men. American Society for Bone and Mineral Research Annual Meeting, September 19, 2006
  • Dutta, S., J. Gnanaraj. A Case of Listeria Meningoencephalitis in an Immunocompetent Male.Poster Case Presentation at the American College of Physicians Meeting, Southington, CT. October 10 (2006).
  • Kurzidim B, Bühling KJ, Mahmoudi M, Wolf C, Ilic S, Wohlfarth K, Dudenhausen JW. Vergleich des regulären Blutzuckertagesprofiles mit dem kontinuierlichen Blutzuckertagesprofil (CGMS, Minimed) in der Schwangerschaft. Deutscher Diabetes Kongress 2001.
  • Dutta, S. and L. Kazim. Characterization of the molecular-biophysical properties of hsp110, as certain heat stress proteins can function as potent vaccines against a specific cancer when purified from the same tumor. Masters Thesis Defense, Roswell Park Cancer Institute, Buffalo, NY. December (1999).